Sunday Survey – 8/18/2019

Which one? Training is Life or Training for Life? Over two-thirds voted for the latter. You’ll see why in the next survey question.

#1 reason you train? Most of us do this for more than just a competition and to look good. Physical health made up half the votes and mental health was the voted the second most.

Which one? Powerblock dumbbells or Regular dumbbels? With the question being asked without any constraints, regular dumbbells won easily. 84% voted for regular dumbbells.

Which one? Rogue Fitness or Elite FTS? This was a request from a follower. Rogue easily won this one. 86% vs. 14%.

What percent of your home gym was bought new? While most respondants said that more than 67% of their home gym was bought new (43%), more than half (57%) said at least a third of their gym was used. There seems to be a decent mix of new and used equipment in most home gyms.

Reverse hyper for home gym? 39% say yes.

Do you sacrifice storage for your home gym? 76% say yes. All space is valuable in the home and this is definitely a concern for many.

What would you rather improve? Mile time or grip strength? 57% would rather improve their grip strength than mile time!

Favorite Specialty Bar? Safety Squat Bars dominated this one. Trap bars were also extremely popular and these combined for 69% of total votes.

Playlist Recommendations? All responses below (including sarcastic responses)! This one was a tough one to summarize, but scan the answers if you are looking for something new or just curious to hear what others are listening to.

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