Sunday Survey – Have you heard of these companies? – 6/23/2019

Last week’s survey simply asked: “Have you heard of “X” company? All of these companies offer more than just a single product, you could outfit a good portion of your gym with them, and they distribute equipment in America.

A few notes:

      • There were 23 companies on the list and over 25,000 votes with a total of 52% voting yes.
      • It’s a tough (and probably unfair) comparison when you add a list with so many companies. There are established brands that have a nationwide reach, and others who are happy to just be a “regional” or “local” brand. In addition, some have equipment designed to help a certain type of training (i.e. powerlifting, CrossFit) so the reach may not be as large. This is just something to keep in mind.
      • Just because someone has heard of a certain company does not mean that they will consider purchasing from them.
      • The only way to respond to this survey was through the Instagram Survey in a 24 hour timeframe. Therefore, it is assumed that many of those answering the questions are the most engaged home gym owners.
      • The GGE Audience does contain a following of 82% male and 80% between the ages of 25-44.

Even though the question does not take into consideration intent, it’s still a valuable way to see which companies have been able to extend their reach the furthest. Here are the results:

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