Survey Results: 4/14/2019

Space (including low ceiling height) is the primary issue facing home gym owners. Not having enough or spending too much money is the second biggest issue. The third largest is the weather. Cold weather/winters are the primary issue. Too much heat was not as much of a concern. Below is a summarized chart.

While 75% of the followers have garages, there is still another quarter that has their gyms within their homes.

Many begin their home gyms because they are a parent.

Hex Bar > Multi-Grip for home gym owners.

As mentioned above, space is precious. Half are working with space less than (10×20).

More than half are spending an average of at least $50 per month, which is more expensive than many monthly gym memberships. Once again, this shows that most have a home gym for the convenience factor.

Cold winters are worse for most than hot summers. This is definitely a problem where there usually isn’t a perfect answer that doesn’t require a lot of work an/or $$$$$. This ratio was also noticed from the very first question.

Spouses are supportive!

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