Survey Results – 4.8.19

The rower reigns supreme, but just barely…

Most expect to pay a bit for a squat rack, but there is still a third that don’t want to splurge. Luckily, you don’t have to with options like the PR-1100 from Rep and Fringe Sport’s Garage Series Rack.

Nearly 3/4ths do not pay for workout programming.

Most have had a home gym for less than 2 years. The movement is just beginning!

Only a third are working out first thing in the morning. Considering that many have a home gym because it saves them time, this is somewhat of a surprise.

While only 18% of people owned a safety squat bar, over 60% want one (or already own). This is such a versatile tool and it’s becoming more and more popular among home gym owners.

Gym > Car

While there are a substantial amount of home gym owners, it still seems to be a small amount of the population.

Yes, most of the neighbors think we are crazy. As garage gyms continue to become more and more popular, this percentage will likely go down.

Surveys like this will continue to happen. If you have questions that you would like to be asked please send an email to or an Instagram DM will work.



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