What Everyone Says the Biggest Benefits of a Home Gym are

A recent Instagram post asked: “What’s the biggest benefit for having home a home gym?” There were multiple different answers and here are a few trends:

Removing excuses and having the ability to work out with the family are important perks. 

thomasrc_fit84: Having no excuses for not working out. All accountability is on me. Plus, my friends/family get to train with me too. Giving them a comfortable place to workout as well.

juanjoolio007: There are dozens..but I think more then all of the obvious ones is having my kids around the gym from a young age. I don’t push them to do anything, but it’s not uncommon to see them grab a slam ball or medicine ball and start doing what I’m doing. They have their own jump ropes and barbells also. Both have started to learn how to DL and squat. That’s something I didn’t get into till I was at least 20.

medic_marine: I can work out with my kid present.

protim: I split my workouts between home and commercial gyms. With kids the home gym gives me no excuses when schedules get crazy, plus home gym workouts can be more creative.

*Click on the post above to see all answers

More freedom is also very important. No waiting and line and playing your own music are key.

rocksau5: I like being able to do anything I want whenever I want. I appreciate my equipment and things I make or save up to buy. I especially like not paying for a membership and dealing with classic gym bros and their egos.

bigugly_xiii: My time, my rules, my music, no waiting, chalk, yelling, good conversations with no shitty music on an overhead system, no gym bros/thots, etc etc etc

lilcat_lifts84: If I wanna workout in pajamas I can. If I need to fart I can. I don’t have to deal with people bothering me. There’s no lunk alarm. I don’t have to wait for equipment. I can break out into song and dance when a good song comes on.  My own music. The list goes on and on!!!

jessahicks: I don’t have to wait on equipment and share. I don’t have to slow down for someone else. And, no excuses like the weather, the drive, etc…

The home gym is open 24/7 and it can be created to each person’s liking. 

homegym_powerlifter87: Being able to train whatever I want, whenever I want.

jlwil5on: I never have to rack all the weights before I begin my workout. I take pride in my equipment and never have to worry about someone abusing it. I can workout at my own pace and don’t have to worry about thinking that I am hogging the rack. Too many to count. You can’t put a price on this.

In conclusion, a home gym will make your life better. 

Please share your experience