The Most Important Benefit of a Home Gym

Many just take it for granted that the only reason someone starts a home gym is to save money. While you can save money, it’s not the most beneficial part of having your own gym.

For most people, the time saved driving to and from the gym is the most important benefit that people get from thier home gym. For a quick example, lets say that your gym is 15 minutes away and you workout 6 days a week. That adds up to 156 hours a year, almost 4 full work weeks. That’s time that could be spent with your family, starting a business, a hobby, doing dishes, laundry, cardio… or anything that you want to spend more time doing. It’s also about 15 full seasons of shows on Netflix. This doesn’t even include the time wasted in the locker room, the parking lot, traffic, waiting for your class to start, and all of the other extra time associated with going to the gym. Home gym owners usually live very busy lives and this helps eliminate excuses.

Also, Time = Money. If you can find a way to make 20 dollars an hour, driving Uber/Lyft, spending more time at work, or starting your own entreprenurial adventure, that is equal to over $3,000. This money could be used to make a fantastic home gym.

For those of you who already have a home gym, understand this benefit, and make sure that you are using this extra time as efficiently as possible. It’s your advantage.

For anyone reading this that does not have a home gym option: start with just a few pieces of equipment and do a couple home gym workouts a week. Then, you can build from there and decide if you want to continue building it out. Just cutting out two days a week will save over 50 precious hours a year.

Keep Slammin’!


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