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- Q&A with the company that should give you all the information you need to decide whether it is right for you.
Company Overview
Wil Fleming is the coach of 1Kilo. Wil is a USAW international coach, master’s world champion, Division 1 All-American, and coach of multiple team USA members in weightlifting. Wil has coached all American’s, NBA, NFL, MLB, and Olympians in a variety of sports.
1Kilo is for weightlifters and athletes.

Equipment Needed
Barbell, bumper plates, squat rack
Describe the programs offered
Red Team Online Coaching- Custom, individualized programming, Video review 5 days per week. $199.99/month
Blue Team Online Coaching- 2 group program options (3 and 4 days), Video review 5 days per week $99.99/month-Coached by Mary Theisen Lappen
Green Team Online Coaching- 1 group program option (4 days), Video review of 2 videos per week $29.99/month
How did your company start?
I was a division 1 hammer thrower and competed at the 2008 Olympic Trials, but all along I knew I’d be a coach. I coached track through college, football, and was the youngest division 1 track and field coach in the country.
I started an athletic performance company in 2008 and helped develop 125 Division 1 athletes, athletes in the NFL, NBA, MLB, and MLS as well as Olympians and American Record holders in multiple sports. In 2018 I sold that business and started 1Kilo where I could specialize in weightlifting.

How many coaches do you have?
What training modalities are offered?
Masters Weightlifting
What type of person would benefit from your programming?
Anyone wanting to be competitive at weightlifting (the sport of snatch and clean and jerk). Weightlifting is the perfect garage-based sport for someone looking to remain or become competitive.
I work with beginner to elite, young to old, but the common vein is they all want to be good and be competitive.
Current location and where do you serve?
Bloomington, IN. I have remote athletes on 3 continents.
How is your programming different than everyone else?
The biggest thing that sets me apart is my ability to distill complex movement into easy-to-use language. That’s why I place a huge emphasis on the video side of the coaching and we use an incredible app called CoachNow so that every athlete gets detailed technical feedback on every video they post.
How many members do you have?
What is your company most proud of?
1Kilo athletes have won international medals at all levels of competition. Youth, Senior, and Masters (from 35 all the way to 60)!

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